Log4j Killed Me

What is log4shell? The Log4Shell problem is a security problem that was discovered in Java software. The problem affects servers…

.ml Failure

What Is A .ml domain? The domain(.ml) was initially managed by Sotelma, a Malian telecommunications company. After Selma was privatized…

IMS Double Net Bug

IMS - Network, is an Israeli gaming community that builds and develops game servers for free. Double NAT occurs when…

Protecting Your Minecraft Server Network

BungeeCord and Spigot are popular software platforms for managing Minecraft servers. Both are used by server administrators to create custom plugins and manage player connections and are popular choices for large server networks.
However, like any software, they can be vulnerable to a variety of threats if not properly secured. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the vulnerabilities that BungeeCord and Spigot servers may face and how to protect against them.