Tunneling TCP To SQL Databases

SQL databases are an essential tool for many organizations, but they can also pose a significant security risk if not properly configured. One way to mitigate this risk is through the use of tunneling TCP to SQL databases.

What is Tunneling TCP to SQL Databases?

Tunneling TCP to SQL databases involves connecting to the database as a local host, rather than through a specific port. This can increase the security of the website or server, as every user connects in the same way. Additionally, adding single sign-on (SSO) authentication to this connection can further enhance security.

How to Set Up Tunneling TCP to SQL Databases

Setting up tunneling TCP to SQL databases is a relatively straightforward process. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Sign up for a Cloudflare account and add a website to it. This requires changing your domain's DNS to point to Cloudflare's nameservers.
  2. Install the Cloudflare daemon, cloudflared, on the host machine where your resource is located and on the client machines that will connect to the resource.
  3. Authenticate the Cloudflare daemon on the host machine by running the command cloudflared tunnel login and selecting the site where you will create a subdomain to represent the resource. Cloudflare will download a wildcard certificate for the site.
  4. Protect the subdomain with a Cloudflare Access policy to control who can connect to the resource.
  5. On the host machine, use the command cloudflared tunnel --hostname [SUBDOMAIN] --url tcp://localhost:[PORT] to connect the resource to Cloudflare, replacing [SUBDOMAIN] with the desired subdomain and [PORT] with the port number of the resource. Make sure to configure the process to stay alive and autostart.
  6. On the client machines, use the command cloudflared access tcp --hostname [SUBDOMAIN] --url localhost:[PORT] to create a connection from the device to Cloudflare, replacing [SUBDOMAIN] with the subdomain of the resource and [PORT] with an available port on the client machine. You can create a desktop shortcut to make it easier for end users to connect.
  7. Have the client application connect to the port specified on the client machine. When the client launches, Cloudflare will launch a browser window and prompt the user to authenticate with the SSO provider.

By following these steps, you can set up tunneling TCP to SQL databases and increase the security of your website or server.


SQL databases are a vital tool for many organizations, but they can also be a significant security risk if not properly configured. One way to enhance security is through the use of tunneling TCP to SQL databases, which involves connecting to the database as a local host and adding SSO authentication. By following the steps outlined above, you can set up tunneling TCP to SQL databases and increase the security of your website or server.